Monday, December 17, 2012

Prof Pitika Ntuli

once upon a time in soweto
i came across a face that i knew from a distance,
a face that i had a desire to see,
a face that inspired me,
a face of hope,
a face of love
a face of art
a face of life
dreaded to say Hi my name is.....................
'you inspire me'
delayed to give him his flowers while he could smell them
i was trapped in a corner observing his movement
'his body langauge'
as he was taking pictures of his monument work in Diepkloof Zone 4 Soweto
as i was trapped in my corner all i could do was to freeze the moments
as he was taking pictures of his work and talking to people who accompanied him
i was documenting him when he was not conscious of my presence
for the art i LOVE
the art that gives me HOPE
THANK YOU Prof Pikita Ntuli

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